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June 24, 2010 / Briana Patrick


As an assignment for my introduction to public relations class we were to create an account on twitter and post tweets throughout the week. I believe this assignment opened my eyes to Twitter. I was completely not interested at first. Twitter lets us connect with people around the world every minute on the minute. Twitter helped me form a larger network with public relations professionals as well as join some groups that would help me better my PR experience, find jobs concerning public relations,involve myself in focus groups, ask questions in order to receive many different angles of answers, and better connect myself to others.

When I thought about “Twitter”, the first thing that came to mind was, “NO THANK YOU”. Now after finishing it I think people need to look more into twitter and see that it can open new doors for you and has many uses that don’t all relate to business. When I first started it’s really hard to get people to respond to your tweets but you just have to start getting use to the technology and the “twitter language”. You have to find something you are interested or something that interests you. For example I followed many PR professionals and groups they were related to in order to get more insight on their jobs and jobs available. Also not only did I follow PR professionals I followed a celebrity known around the world who happens to be a major PR icon, Kim Kardashian.

I can say Twitter was a success for me and I wont lose touch with it and I will use it to continue my network group and broaden my ideas and aspects on life.

You can view my Twitter by CLICKING HERE.


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  1. Brianna W / Jul 13 2010 3:53 am

    I completely agree. I was very hesitant to try out Twitter for the first time. I thought it was just for fanatic fans who like to stalk celebrities. I also followed PR professionals, and it was interesting to see what they were all talking about. It helped me to learn about what is going on in the PR world. I also had trouble following the Twitter language at first. I had no clue what half the abbreviations meant. Now I finally feel like I have a better handle on the whole Twitter thing.


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